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Wisconsin 4-H International Programs

… And our World.
Wisconsin 4-H International Programs emphasizes the 4-H values of belonging and understanding through international exchange. In today’s ever changing world the skill of global citizenship becomes more and more important all the time. Help the youth in your community build bridges and connect with others from around the world!
Dear Wisconsin 4-H members, families, volunteers, and partners;
We know that global experiences and cultural learning not only make a difference, but are critically important. Wisconsin 4-H is committed to supporting international connections and learning as part of positive youth development. With this in mind, it is difficult to share that we are pausing our current international exchange programming. Yet, this pause will allow us to build a stronger foundation for future international experiences which meet the needs and expectations of our youth, families, communities, and institutions.
This pause will last through 2025 and includes both inbound hosting opportunities and outbound travel. During this pause, our Wisconsin 4-H team is committed to strengthening and re-visioning our global citizenship programming.
We understand that 4-H international opportunities have had profound, positive impacts on many of you, and that this decision impacts youth who hoped to travel this summer and families across Wisconsin who are devoted to the hosting process. For those youth and families who are interested in international experiences, we encourage you to reach out to your school or local civic organization, as many high quality international travel and hosting options may be available.
Thank you for your understanding as we design new opportunities while building on existing experiences to ensure high quality youth development programming is at the forefront of everything we do.
For questions regarding this decision, please contact: Jessica Jens, Wisconsin 4-H State Program Leader, jessica.jens@wisc.edu.
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